Inquiry Privat Consumer

Hard to find a company to trust?
Trust us, we know!
In our network, we offer Certified Companies all over your country.
All companies that have undergone our certification have passed all
parts regarding finances and judgments and at this time also have a good status.
Let us do the work and pick the best company for you!

How it works

Request a Free of charge quote from a certified company.
Our consultants select the best-suited company for your specific projects Free of charge. The only thing you need to do is fill out your contactinformation below and attach a description of the work you
wish to have carried out by the company.
So simple & uncomplicated!

Or, are you a company that wishes to become a certified company?
You are most welcome to make your request aswell!


You send us a request

Please submit as accurate a description as possible of your project by filling in our form below.


We review & search

Our construction consultants gain an understanding of your project and they will then match it with a local company for the best possible match to your project.


Present certified contractors

You will now be introduced to the company that we have selected for you. The company we have selected for your project will now schedule a personal meeting to review your upcoming project.

Send request

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    Q & A

    It is completely free of charge to submit assignments via Certify Group. Your requests regarding quotations also do not imply any obligations to accept the company’s quotation.

    Your information is only visible to the company that responds to your assignment and is never published publicly. You will be contacted by phone or email by the company we selected exclusively for your project.

    How quickly the company responds depends on the type of assignment you outsource and where you live. Some companies in densely populated areas often respond very quickly.

    You submit as accurate a description as possible of your project by filling in our form. Through this, our construction consultants gain an understanding of your mission and match your mission with a local company that then contacts you and offers your upcoming project.

    The more accurate information you provide about the assignment, the greater the chance that you will get the best possible match from us. Remember to include as much as possible and leave out no details that might be good for the company we select for you to know.

    You do not have to hire the company that contacts you, nor do you have to accept their quote. But feel free to inform the companies that the assignment is no longer relevant if this is what you decide on. Keep in mind that the company has spent a lot of time on site visits and offering your project.

    If you have questions that you can’t find answers to above, please email us and we will answer you in turn as time permits. This can usually take a few days due to high workload.